Publication Projects

The Journal «Philosophical sciences», N2, 2008
Special issue:
The Synergetic Worldvision and Anthropology of the Future.
The partnership project of ISA and editors of “Philosophical Sciences”

The annual almanac «Human Being.RU», N4, 2008.
Special issue:
Anthropological Practices in the Art.
The partnership project of ISA and Novosibirsk State University of the economics and manegement

«PUNCTA», N 1-4, 2008.
Special issue:
World Traditions and Spiritual Practical Schools in the Prszm of the Anthropological Knowledge.
The partnership project of ISA and St. Thomas Institute of Philosophy, Theology and History (Moscow)

«Symbol», N 52, 2007.
Special issue:
Hesychasm (Eastern-Orthodox): the Panorama of Research Activities Today.
The partnership project of ISA and St. Thomas Institute of Philosophy, Theology and History (Moscow)