
in English  (in other languages)


Deikman A.J. Cognitive Models and Spiritual Maps, 2000 (.pdf)


Horujy Sergej S. Anthropological Dimensions of the Postsecular Paradigm, 2011
(The Talk at the Workshop, Faenza, May 12-14, 2011)

Horujy Sergey S. Anthropological Turn In Christian Theology: an Orthodox Perspective
(The lecture in the Divinity School. University of Chicago, October 4, 2006)  (.pdf)

Horujy Sergey S. Breaks and Links. Prospects for Russian Religious Philosophy Today (.pdf)

Horujy Sergry S. The Brothers Karamazov in the Prizm of Hesychast Anthropology,
(The talk at Dosoevsky’s conference; College of the Holy Cross, Worcester, MA; April  10-12, 2008) (.pdf)

Horujy Sergey S. Christian Anthropology and Eastern-Orthodox (Hesychast) Asceticism, (.pdf)

Horujy Sergey S. Crisis of Classical European Ethics in the Prism of Anthropology, (.pdf)

Horujy Sergey S. Dialogue of Religions: Historical Experience and Principal Foundations, 2009 (.pdf)

Horujy Sergey S. Discourses of the Inner and the Outer in Practices of the Self (.pdf)

Horujy Sergey S. Global Dynamics of the Universe and Spiritual Practice of Human Being (.pdf)

Horujy Sergey S. Globalistics and Anthropology: an Approach to the Problem (.pdf)

Horujy Sergey S. Hesychast Formation of Theology and its Modern Prospects, 2010 (.pdf)

Horujy Sergey S. Hermeneutics of Human Body According to Hesychast Anthropology
(The talk at the International conference, Lebanon, December 3-5, 2007) (.pdf)

Horujy S. Interview for Publication — Synergic Anthropology
(The questions were asked by Kristina Stoeckl. March, 2015, Vienna) horujy-steokl_interview_march_2015

Horujy Sergey S. Man’s Three Far-Away Kingdoms: Ascetic Experience As a Ground For a New Anthropology (.pdf)

Horujiy Sergry S. Personalistic Dinensions of Neo-Patristic Synthesis and Modern Search for New Subjectivities. (.pdf)

Horujy Sergey S. Philosophy Versus Theology: New And Old Patterns оf аn Ancient Love-Hate (.pdf)

Horujy Sergey S. Psychology of the gate as a gate to metapsychology (.pdf)

Horujy Sergey S. (Khoruzhii). A Rearguard Action, 2001-2002 (.pdf)

Horujy Sergey S. Russian Spiritual Tradition: Union of Conciliarity and Ascesis (.pdf)

Horujy Sergey S. Spiritual Practice As аn Anthropological Paradigm: Universal аnd Tradition-Dependent Structures (.pdf)

Horujy Sergey S. Synergia as a Universal Paradigm: Its Meaning(s), Discursive Links and Heuristic Resources,
(Talk at the International Workshop “Synergia: concepts – techkniks – perspectives”, Berlin 29 June – 01 July, 2011) – pdf.

Horujy Sergey S. The Constitution of Personality and Identity in a Perspective Based on Practices of the Self, Old and New, 2007 (.pdf)

Horujy Sergey S. The Idea of Energy in the Moscow School of Christian Neoplatonism (.pdf)

Horujy Sergey S. Transformations of the Slavophile Idea in the Twentieth Century, 1995 (.pdf)

Horuzhy Sergey S. Visual Experience and Spatial Experience in their Relation to Spiritual Practice
(the abstract to the talk at the joint seminar of the ISA and the Russian Academy of Fine Arts, April 22, 2009)

Horujy Sergey S. Vladimir Solovyev’s legacy after a hundred years, 2000  (.pdf)


Makarov D.I. Some Notes on the Notions of Synergy and Interpretation in Theophanes of Nicae, 2010 (.pdf)


Stoeckl Kristina. Community after the Subject. The Orthodox Intellectual Tradition and the Philosophical Discourse of Political Modernity. // Sofia Philosophical Review, Vol. 2, No. 2, p. 117-138 (.pdf)

Stoeckl Kristina. A new anthropology: Sergej S. Khoru?ij’s search for alternative to the Cartesian subject inO?erki sinergijnoj antropologii //Studies in East European Thought 59/3, 237-245. 2007 (.pdf)

Stoeeckl Kristina. Synergetic Anthropology and Freedom, (publ. in Russian: Filosofskie Nauki 2, 68-81. 2008) (.pdf)